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To enhance teaching learning process all the classes have been converted into digital-classrooms. This enables immediate and permanent impact on the learners, making learning convenient, easy and interesting.

The digital classrooms are equipped with the latest audio-video infrastructure based on the principles of smart tutoring. This is a platform that employs unit-level multimedia tools, animations and interactive elements, making classes highly interesting and ensuring participation from all students. With unique features such as 3D graphics and the ability to magnify and go deep into the object under discussion, faculty members use these tools to maximise the learning experience for students.

The objective of Digital Classroom is designed to make every hour of learning very interesting. We ensure complete schooling- comprising class work, home work, assignments and projects or activities inside the school campus. Moreover entire schooling is a process of learning by doing and hands- on- experience.  

Smart Class helps teachers to ensure that every child in the class is learning, given the wide diversity of learning styles in the classroom. It is also highly efficient in maintaining student’s interest and engagement in learning inside the classroom. Smart Class simplifies the problems of teaching abstract curriculum concepts that are difficult for students to visualize or relate to through the provision of three-dimensional, interactive multi-media modules.

 The well-designed modules allow a student to visualize the concepts much better than static images or oral instruction and hence improve learning greatly .

Smart class is powered by a vast repository of digital instruction materials exactly mapped to meet with the specific objectives laid out by different state -learning standards. The content repository consists of thousands of highly animated, lesson specific, 3D and 2D multimedia modules. Educational videos from Eureka and Discovery Channel are also available for teachers to use in the classroom.

Thus smart class is a digital initiative that–

  •    Gives richer learning environment.
  •    Concepts are introduced in an exciting manner.
  •    Assessments come with instant result.
  •    Teacher is able to give lot more individual attention to each learner.
  •    Improves teacher effectiveness and productivity.
  •    Make learning an enjoyable experience for students.
  •    Improves academic performances of students.
  •    Enables instant formative assessment of learning outcomes in class.