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The DPS Library is one of the hallmarks of the school. The library houses a wide variety of books and journals. It serves as store house of information related, to prescribed text books and beyond. Its purpose is to inculcate reading habit amongst students. Renowned works of Fiction, Classics, Self Help Books, Science & Technology Periodicals, Journals related to history, culture, exploration along with selected local and national dailies will be housed here. All articles in the library will be carefully scanned and selected to ensure the correct development of the students.


  •   The library is a “Silence Zone”. Students have to strictly maintain silence in the library.
  •   Students are not allowed to enter the library with food, water and personal items. They must keep their bags outside the library before entering.
  •   Each student has to show his/her book at the exit during dispersal.
  •   For loss or damage of the library book, the student has to replace the same within a week.
  •   Each student has to check his or her library book during issue and report impairment or any damage to the librarian. If ant scribbling or damage to the book is found at the time of return then he/she will have to replace the book.
  •   Students have to replace a book if they misplace it.
  •   Students of Class XII should submit the clearance slip from the library to their respective class teachers to get their admit card (for the Board Exam).
  •   Students should not bring back the issued library books to school except on the day of return, as it might get lost.
  •   Students must carry their school almanacs and pens/pencils to the Library to maintain a record of the books they read/issue.